Sunday, September 25, 2005

So I guess I'm fucking E the Blog

It's pretty cool....

So there I was sitting around with some friends and family tonight (do I have to say as dorky as it may sound, my family is pretty fucking cool) I don't want to blame them for anything, I don't feel I need to be in therapy for anything they "did" or "didn't give" me during my childhood. I feel like I fairly well adjusted, 30 year old kid who like anyone, is just ya know, doing what I do best.

And what would you say is my best? or what do I do best - Fuck you - that's none of your business. That's for me to know and you cyber stalkers to perhaps find out later.

Yeah, I said it - cyber-stalkers - why the fuck would you be reading any of this if you had no idea who I am? I could be some hot skank ass ho for all you know - or I could be some horribly deformed freak midget, speaking of midgets, no I won't go there... at least not yet....

It's one of the things I'm working on.... being nice to little people. (I mean that literally)

So, one of my very dear and best friends suggested I start blogging - so I am now a blogger. I don't even know how to find my own blog, I hope to hell they emailed me some sort of log in information - I don't have a strong attention to detail. I wonder how I made it this long -

I am not going to proof read any of this crap. I hope this lives up to all your crazy blogging standards.

So Fuck Off, and Good Night

Fuck You,

E, the Blog

1 comment:

Pagan Marbury said...

Drunk blogging= always funny!