Monday, September 26, 2005

God vs Science - The Debate Rages On....

Lawyers debate God vs. science in court drama
Sep 26, 2005 — By Jon Hurdle

Read the whole article here -

Kenneth Miller, a Brown University professor of biology, testified as a witness for the parents. He told the court that teaching intelligent design does "a great disservice" to students because it has been discredited by top scientific groups such as the National Academy of Sciences and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

"If you invoke a nonmaterial cause, a spirit force, you can't test it," Miller said, adding that scientific theories must stand up to empirical testing.

At least 31 states are taking steps to teach alternatives to evolution. A CBS poll last November found 65 percent of Americans favor teaching creationism as well as evolution while 37 percent want creationism taught instead of evolution.
Fifty-five percent of Americans believe God created humans in their present form, the poll found.


That said - I can not believe that 55% of people polled in the CBS poll mentioned above actually believe that God created humans in their present form? Are you fucking kidding me? 55% of our country actually believes that shit? I consider myself to be a Republican usually - a very socially liberal republican but a republican none the less..... You've got to be kidding me with this one.....

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