Monday, October 31, 2005

I'm back in the USA

Spent the last week in Toronto - it was AWESOME - I'd never been there before - it was great - I ate steak every night - and played tourist by day - I saw it all - the ROM, the CN Tower, which is the largest free standing tower in the world and I stood on the glass floor at the top - the observation deck rocked. I went to the Docks, 3 golf courses, Casa Loma, Niagara Falls, the Blue Man Group, Cooking School, Frieda's Clothing Design, the Eden Center, the hockey Hall of Fame, the Sky Dome some Olympic Spirit Museum, an underground path that had 16 miles worth of stores, the Academy of Spherical Arts (which I'm renting for a party next July) the Panasonic Theater, Winter Garden, I rode in a Dragon Boat and I held the FUCKING STANLEY CUP - I saw the whole FUCKING CITY.

I am going to rent the Glen Abbey golf club - home of the Canadian Open where Tiger Woods hit the amazing shot out of the sand trap with a fucking 6 iron 218 yards - over water and landed it right by the fucking pin to get a birdie thus winning the triple crown.

I wonder if we'll get any trick or treaters tonight - I have on my kickboxing outfit so I looked dressed up.

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