Thursday, October 20, 2005

And when I go there.... I go there with you... Please stop with the political messaging....

I would beg borrow and steal (no not really) okay maybe 2 of the 3 but I can not encourage illegal behavior. However, if you can get tickets to U2 it rocked the MCI Center Tonight - the played my fave song - Bullet the Blue Sky - which one of my friends told me was about gun control? Is it? I like bullets, liked the old DC basketball team.... enjoy guns.... (you know, guns kill no one.... people with guns kill people) I have 16 guns and I've never fired at anyone, I've really never considered it -

So my co-worker is getting married for the 2nd time -and I was invited to the wedding - didn't really think about going because it was on a Friday at 11 am which I thought was werid in Key West.... anyhoo, I was invited and I said can't make it so sorry .... then this kid I went out with a few times before (who's also divorced) (not that there's anything wrong with that) anyway he asked me to go with him (he's the best man) and go on the cruise with him etc... now - I'm not one to not have a good time - but this is a little werid? is it not? I don't want to be that girl going to go on the cruise (but it is to hurricane-ville) and only for 4 days total from Miami - not so bad - and we get along - but still????

I want to give a shout out --- is that even legal??? to my friend M one of my bloned friends - she's been friends with my current co-worker G who's leaving for much bigger and better things - FYI pissed that you all left the U2 concert early and didn't come to Indeeblu (can't spell) we had table service (you love table service) There was no dirty dancing with DKM but still..... glad you all enjoy - I'm going to attempt to post a photo..... Still can't post another photo? M what am I doing wrong? I want to post more photo? I tried to make it a smaller photo (ie not 7.1 pix or whatever it's called) saved it as a .bmp and everything..... let me know....Had a sweet photo of U2 for your viewing enjoyment.....

More later, E the blog....


Anonymous said...

You knew I'd be stalking this blog and that I LOVE table service! Dirty dancing is always a good thing. We'll have to try that again. Love the blog, keep it up -GM

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that song is about gun control must have just gotten to know them from their 2001 tour. It's about war of all kinds. In 2001 they just happened to make it about war on guns. They make it relevant to whatever is going on at the time of the show when they are playing it. During the first desert storm Bono dressed up in fatigues, I think, maybe a couple other of the members. It is always just about the best song of the show, although I think they toned it down this tour. I almost made it to the show in DC